November 09, 2010
Ayaş, Ankara, Turkey
new hurdles - no more trees to put up the showerkit in this arid landscape - 40.048, 32.180
November 08, 2010
Nallıhan, Ankara, Turkey
Nallihan to Beypazari
distance: 46.68km
duration: 6h 23min
Went through a breathtaking empty lunar landscape today. I'll just let the images speak for themselves.
thx @marius who made this kind of shots possible
Met polish bikers on the way to Jordan, they started in Istanbul today and will enter Syria tomorrow - going 700km a day on average
At the end of the day, a not so pleasant coalmine and powerplant
November 07, 2010
Here be dragons
Stayed with young teachers in Mudurnu yesterday but managed to run out of power on my "real" camera.