September 25, 2010 Kličevac, Branichevo, Serbia


by Christian , published on September 24, 2010

distance: 92.00km
duration: 9h 22min

Had my earliest start so far at 9:00(After getting up at 6:30).

Lots of interesting stuff to see on the way today - a steel mill, a marketplace where i ate a large "serbian" hamburger for 80c(Eurocent), a huge and mean looking thermal powerplant, a surface-coalmine and windsurfers on the Danube.

Also had my first encounters with kids who where asking me for money straight away - harmless so far but it made me realize how obviously wealthy and vulnerable i still appear.

Feeding the monster(The chimney is not the one from the steel mill above, but from a thermal power plant, which is the target of the transportation belt)

These guys surely had fun, me not so much with the very strong headwind